The first topic! In this topic you will learn about:
The differences between Spanish culture of the 20th century and how it is now
The repression of women in Spain, the situation regarding marriage when Franco came to power.
Various types of family now acceptable in Spanish society.
Cosas que necesitas saber
Things you need to know
Aquí está una lista con tipos de familia distintos con sus descripciones.
Familia nuclear (Nuclear family): El modelo tradicional: dos padres heterosexuales casados con hijos. The traditional family: two heterosexual married parents with children.
Familia biparental (Biparent family): Similar a la familia nuclear, pero los padres pueden ser separados o divorciados. Similar to the nuclear family, but the parents can be separated or divorced.
Familia monoparental (Single-parent family): Una familia con un padre singular. A family with only one parent.
Familia adoptiva (Adoptive family): Una familia con hijos adoptivos. A family with adopted children.
Familia sin hijos (Family without children): Una familia sin hijos. A family without children.
Familia compuesta (Composed family): Una familia con padres que separaron, se recasaron y que tienen más hijos. A family with parents who separated, remarried and had more children.
Familia homoparental (Family with same-sex couples): Una familia con dos padres del mismo sexo. A family with two parents of the same gender.
Familia extensa (Extended family): Tus relaciones menos cercanas que una familia nuclear. Your furthest relatives than a nuclear family.